We thank you for applying for the EJP Emergency Fund.
We are happy to announce that, starting in fall 2024, the EJP Emergency Relief Fund will accept applications by alumni of any higher education in prison program (academic, not CTE programs) operating in IDOC. The form must be submitted within 6 (six) months of your release, except for EJP alumni.
Best regards,
The EJP Emergency Fund
- Have been released from IDOC.
- Have participated in a higher education in prison (academic, not vocational) program while incarcerated in the state of IL.
- Take the Emergency EJP Relief Fund 10-question survey upon receiving funds.
- Be willing to provide photo and/or written comment about how the funds provided support. This is to help us make the case that the funds make a difference, so we can continue to ask funders for support for this program.
What sorts of things qualify as emergency needs? What sorts of things can I apply for funding for?
Medication, hospitalization, medical treatment, rent/mortgage, utilities (gas, light, phone), car repairs, groceries and the like.
Do I have to pay back the money?
No. However, our goal is to keep this fund available for future individuals in need. This fund would appreciate donations of any size from you if you are a beneficiary of this funding support.
Who is eligible to apply?
Currently, eligibility is restricted to individuals who attended college-in-prison programs within IDOC. EJP alumni can apply for funds at any time. Alumni of other programs must apply within 6 months of their release.
How will recipients be determined?
Applications will be evaluated by a committee comprised of EJP alumni based on four factors:
1. Extent to which the applicant needs relief. (Applications will be rated according to a four-point rubric).
2. Whether the applicant has received previous emergency relief funds.
3. The amount of money an applicant requests.
4. Fund availability
How do I apply?
Please complete the form below. The funds, if approved, will then be sent to the applicant via courier check or electronically.
Is there a deadline to apply?
No, for EJP alumni. For non-EJP alumni, you must apply within 6 months of your release.
How frequently will relief funds be given out?
Funds will be given out based on a “needs rubric” until they are depleted. It is highly encouraged that applicants who are beneficiaries of funding donate to the fund if/when possible to keep this available for other people in need who apply in the future.
Any additional inquiries can be made by emailing, calling or texting
Erick Nava: ericknll2013@gmail.com / 217 - 689 - 0428